in physics we trust


static pedestrian adult target


The static pedestrian adult target has been one of the very first products we developed and with it, revolutionized active safety testing. As the very first target with realistic, human-like properties on the market, active safety development and testing would not be the same without it.

Thanks to its robust and light weight design, it plays a vital role on the test track. Very often used as a static target, it can be used on all our VRU platforms. This active safety dummy is the static version of a male adult, and it is also available as heated version for infrared testing in low light and night conditions. The handling and use of the PS-adult goes along the lines of keeping it as simple as possible, so we can ensure a hassle-free and easy testing routine.

key features

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Feel free to reach out to our team of experts and request a quotation or define your requirements with our customizer.